Thursday, January 15, 2009

And They Say Kids Say The Darndest Things...

First things first...if you haven't seen this movie..RENT it...actually Buy it, bc its that awesome. okay can we talk about how cute little kids are?! I mean geez. I was babysitting tonight...and seriously! Funniest kid ever! I love little kids, they always say the funniest things! Not to mention that they all think they know all there is to know about the world. And well really, who are we kidding...i learned most of the important lessons young too!:) The little boy I babysit is three years old! Three, and already he is very precise about being called by his full name, wearing his clothes right so he can be a "cool dude", and oh so much more. This all came to me tonight as he sang "Ho Ho the missing toe, tumbled down his sleigh..." with total if there was any question to the accuracy of his lyrics. So much fun! He did proceed to tell me that he didn't like me at one point this evening while we were putting on pj' which I replied like a three year old..."that is not very nice, and I thought we were friends!" I like to lower myself to that of a three year old!:) I think had mom picked out some a little cooler...there would have been no problem!:) Don't kill the messenger right!? I'm sorry turtles aren't as cool as T-Rex, but you are three, and you can't even say Tyrannosaurus Rex!:) Will's parents have the lock on the outside of the door bc he gets up so much! He hates bedtime. This has forced him to crawl out of bed and yell under the door "Hey! Hey! Hey You!" at every slight noise I make from downstairs. It's really quite funny. "Do I get the, too loud...I think I'll just sit here in silence instead." So this past few weeks have been mildly boring, as most of my friends have gone back to school, and well I work ALL THE TIME! I've def. decided that I hate one of my jobs, and by decided, I mean I've known all along, I am just choosing now to fully accept it. I find it all kind of draining...but I have to stick it out a little longer. I think the earlier portion of this post is a testament as to why I should be working in a daycare. I mean think about it! You get to play with cute kids all day...without having to take them home! It's like the end of the day and.."You are too fussy...well here you go Mrs. Smith, have fun tonight! Please bring him back tomorrow when he is happy again" I mean really, win win situation! I really had plans to quit this job last week, and then three other employees beat me to the punch...and well let's be honest...I felt bad for my manager. So it is what it is. So last night I went to Chuy's with a few of my girlfriends, and we really had a blast. A few fun things that happened at dinner:
Our hostess let us know the table was singing over the intercom.
Jordan and I drank margaritas and giggled a lot...(I'm pretty sure we were actually being funny, but its really not relevant. We pretty much laugh all the time together.)
There was a super cute baby at the end of the table next to us...that just kept waving. Love It. I have def. become that weird girl that not only stares at your babies at dinner...but if you'll let me, I might ask to hold them too...but I swear I'm not crazy or anything!:) I just genuinely love babies! Aww so cute!
We caught up on all that is going on in each others lives, and it was just a good night with the girls. One I think I'm going to have to repeat every night this weekend until school starts on Tuesday! (Something I am not excited about..but what are you going to do?) I went Starbucks on Sunday night...pretty much with this same group, minus Christina, and add a Clayton...and we had so much fun too! Clayton wrote a song for me that is pretty much the most amazing song I have ever heard! He is going to record a video for me and then of course you will all be hearing about it! I feel like when a friend can write a song that even mentions how I sign my notes xoxo is a good thing.
So I totally have a new outlet, and it is so so so much fun! And by fun I mean addicting! Like I really found myself sitting in my room last week counting change to see if I could go to the glass store!"hmmm $5.00, okay that will buy me...!" Cocaine...not so much. Colored glass...YES PLEASE! I'm a junkie for crafts, what can I say? I've been making fused glass plates and jewelry! So awesome! I love it! ! And can I just interject that of all the addictions I could have...besides Bachelor, I think this could be a good one.:) Also, funny that I just asked if I could add that...this is my blog...I can do whatever I want! Anyway....that pretty much gets you up to date! Enjoy! Also, shout out to Jordan, I love that you love to read this...that pretty much makes my day. Especially since reading is really just like a recap for you...we have basically spent the last month together...ALL THE TIME! But either way, it is still aWeSoMe! Thanks Love!
xoxo a