Wednesday, January 28, 2009

taking some time...

To say that this has been a tough week would def. be an understatement. I am still trying to understand how God works, and today, I just don't get it. These past few weeks have been absolutely amazing! I've never felt so close to God, and this week I have been knocked down for sure. I've been crying all week, and for someone who genuinely loves being just sucks. I am trying so hard to have faith in what is happening in my life knowing that God has it all figured out, but wow...some space for clarity and a chance to recouperate would have been nice. I know things are going to be fine, and thank goodness I have the most amazing family ever...I seriously don't think I could deal without my Mom and Dad. So many things have come into question this week, and I really just don't know where to turn. I am overwhelmed and just plain exhausted. I continually turn to God, and I can't find comfort fast enough. At this point I am just trying to surround myself with friends and family in hopes that I'll get back to my happy self soon. I really hate feeling like I can't be glad in everything that is going on in my life, because typically I feel so so blessed. I'm just trying to remind myself that things could be so much worse if I didn't have the support system I do. I love my family with all of my heart, part of the reason I'm struggling so much right now. I am so so broken, and all I want to do is find peace in it all. I need to be happy, it is all I know how to do. I don't do sad well, and it's tearing me up like you can't even imagine. Sorry for the barrage of emotion...but I needed to release it somewhere.


Hammertime said...

its ok to be sad sometimes, but not very fun. :( luckily your favorite blonde goober is going to take you for food, drinks, and various other fun events at your earliest convenience! :) i love you!