Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life's Little Annoyances...And The Moments That Snap You Back To A Happy Reality!

-I just paid my electric I think last week...and already, one is waiting for me in the mailbox today! Fall oh fall where are you? I'm over paying for air conditioning in this Tx heat..
-Do you ever think you bought something...and then when you go to use it, its not there...or anywhere for that matter? It throws you into a crazy mind maze of Did I buy it? Did I use it? Did I buy it and leave it at the store?! Case in point...the wonderfully green, nice, new yoga mat, I am POSITIVE I looked at yesterday at Target...I know for a fact it was in my cart at one point...and I even, (maybe foolishly now) can remember putting it in my car after I bought it. But today when I went to get it...not there...not anywhere. Which only leads me to believe that maybe I never in fact purchased it, which is sad, bc now I am lying on a hard wood floor for workout time. Ugh. Which also means this will be a very short workout.
-So, childish as it may be...there is still nothing more exciting than coming home to packages! Even if I know they are coming! I ordered some swimsuits online the other day...and when I got home today, my mailbox was stuffed full of them! Call it superficial, but I was excited! You know what makes that excitement disappear almost instantly? When they don't fit! Which is my experience almost all the time! Which is why I've also decided that I can no longer be a consumer online...
Other than that, life is great! Ash is home...which I think I already blogged about..but it's been so long. She is feeling great! Exciting! We are turning 23 on Saturday, and so excited to reunite with family and friends. I can't believe however, that 23 is the birthday I am about to celebrate! I always laugh at ppl that act like any birthday that falls in the 20's is "getting old" but now that I'm saying it...23 sounds so old! haha, go ahead...I'll pause for your laughter. I know I'm ridiculous, and I agree, but really its...just weird. I think in part to the fact that mentally, I feel pretty on board with 23...28, 30. But at the same time, there are days where I still can't believe I'm legally allowed to be called an adult, much less expected to act like one:)
-This week has been pretty good so far! I've spent the last two days babysitting a beautifully adorable two year old. She is too cute! She giggles all the time, climbs all over me just to snuggle, and I'm pretty sure she let me play with her hair for about an hour today:) Which is why I'm certain when I have children, a few of which I hope are girls, I am going to have to invest in a pretty extensive line of hair clips and bows...and maybe a salon chair with make-up studio lighting:) Just saying. A good two days! We spent the afternoon in the backyard pouring water on every dry surface:) Dixie cups and a water hose=hours of fun for a two.....and twenty two year old:) I could listen to those giggles all day long.
-Tomorrow is going to be a busy busy...probably 12-13 hour day at work, and I think I'm kind of excited about it. It's been awhile since I've been there, since I had my wisdom teeth out, and dare I say it...I kind of miss it.:)
-On the wisdom teeth front...all is sort of well. I somehow escaped the puffy cheeks and bruising. I don't know how. Call my oral surgeon a hero, a legend...I just called him attractive. Yep, that's right. I didn't feel the need to say "Thank you...any special instructions..." in my drugged up stupor...nope, just smiles and giggles, coupled with a few stumbles as he escorted me to the car. My teeth are still sore, but hopefully that will be done soon. I'm over the jello. the pudding. the mashed potatoes...although, I am totally penning an award winning recipe I've created in the past few days. Paula Dean would be happy...Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers....probably not:) That is all for now,
xo loves


Robert said...
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clayton said...

So I guess the perfect wisdom teeth didn't last long. Now the doctor really is just attractive, actually I guess he did a good job. You just have trouble following directions.

P.S. I cant wait to read your blog about your friend Rose

Robert said...

I really like this post. I can identify with some of the things you mentioned. lol