Friday, July 25, 2008

I-35, The Hot Ticket In Town For Picking Up Girls...

so i was doing my usual commute home from work...headed south on 35. As most of you know, I am a lover of music, and partake in usual car concerts and car dancing. Doesn't everybody? So I am minding my own business..singing some Katy Perry, as I casually pass a black sports car of some sort. I really don't pay too much attention, except that I notice out of the corner of my eye, that the business man occupying the car is smoking. I make a mental note "Eww, smoking is so unattractive", as if to remind myself that I don't like smoking. I keep singing and keeping an eye on the road, when I notice the said black car racing up behind me! Initially, I think, "Maybe I have a flat tire, and this is a good samaritan racing to tell me...or maybe this is just some jerk that thinks 80mph in the fast lane just isn't quite fast enough. Either way, I keep my steady pace and don't pay too much attention. Soon he is right next to me, as if we are racing...and then I have to laugh to myself, because clearly this man does not realize that my car is hot, and secretly I wish I was a race car driver! I keep a steady pace...and after about five miles of him keeping pace with me, I have to look over! "Seriously sir, are you really still right next to me?!?" At this point, Mr. Miata (as I will refer to him) has set down his cig, and is using both hands to motion the "OK" sign, coupled with a few points to me, and a creepy, "I'm think I'm hot, and you should too" winks. After a split second of "Funny! This is really happening!" thoughts in my head, all I can think to do is mouth back a "thank you", and puzzled look. Is this really what we have come to. Perhaps he's just a little shy, and the oppurtunity presented itself. Or maybe he just finds more of a thrill in racing down I 35, coordinating hand gestures, all while trying to stay in his lane. I mean let's be honest, the bars downtown do get a little repetitive. "Hi, Can I buy you a drink? And then I will just stare at you if that is okay?" That is just awkward for all parties involved. I'm not sure where Mr. Miata got his idea for picking up girls on IH-35, but he wasn't finished! Still right there next to me on the interstate, he races to keep up with me. At this point I'm not really sure what to do! I don't really know if he thought I was going to pull over and say.."Clever, here is my number...or maybe he just thought he could follow me to my destination. We all know that would never happen, bc I am very aware of cars following me. Maybe it's crazy, but sometimes shady cars freak me out, and if they follow me for too long....not cool. I have been known to randomly drive farther then I needed to just to lose the crazy's! I mean I don't really think they need to know where I live. After about ten minutes of racing/pick up gestures...he finally had to exit! I think I laughed a little more, well really the rest of the way home. Now my singing had been so interrupted that I had to start my whole cd over...but all in all, Mr. Miata opened my eyes to the new lengths dirty old men will go to when trying to pick up girls! Thanks Mr. Miata, hope I-35 works out for you soon!
"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I drive by again?- Probably what Mr. Miata would have asked if I actually stopped.