Thursday, July 31, 2008

Parking Services...Where Do You Hide!?!

Let me just start out by saying, I am normally a law abiding citizen.  I recently purchased a new car in February...only because I totaled the previous.  Now, I didn't feel the need to re-purchase a parking permit for this car because I was already into my semester, and most of the time I pay for the parking garage at Tx State bc it is a lot closer to all of my classes!  Yes, I would rather pay $7 a day to park, then to walk every single day.  It is sad, and yes, I am aware of it.  Thank you.  So now that summer school is here, I still do not have a parking permit.  Here's the one is here!  I have been sneakily getting away with parking my car on campus, without a permit!  Not only have I been parking on campus, but in the "Red Zone"!  This is for prestigious professors only!  I have gotten away with this for three weeks now, three weeks until today!  I have a class at 6pm every night of the week.  This factor has played a huge part in my not getting tickets, bc I think they leave at 5!  Well, I had lab the other 4!  D-I-L-E-M-A, let me tell you~  I decided I would swoop under the radar and park in a residential parking lot down the street, and at the bottom of a hill....just to be safe!  On this particular day, it was pouring!   As I was walking up the hill to class with a friend, I pointed out a student who had just parked in the "RED ZONE".  He too, was trying to cheat the system.  Just as he was about three feet from his car...dun dun dun...PaRkInG sErViCeS!  Now, I don't want to stereotype too much here, but I'm pretty sure this kid, aside from his job as a trusty meter maid...probably has a pet snake and an extensive collection of Star Wars figurines at home.  My fellow partner in crime realizing the guy with the ticket book was in the lot, stopped dead in his tracks, lifted his index finger straight in the air, and stood still for a minute! (The light bulb is going off at this point).  He quickly retreated back to his car, as if to retrieve something he had forgotten, but swiftly hoped in and moved his car.  Aww, one less ticket!  I kind of laughed to myself...and stupidly walked right into class!  So four hours later...and drained, I trudge down the slippery hill, through the river of rain water to my car.  Guess what is there to greet me?  A beautifully drenched, bright orange parking ticket!  I was so annoyed!  I complained to myself the whole way home!  I tried to justify my parking there...I mean yes, i didn't have the permit...but there were two other cars in this WHOLE parking lot.!  I mean I know the imaginary cars need somewhere to park from time to time, and yes, the campus is crazy at 8 on Monday nights...but really!  $35 gone!  

Three days later....another ticket, and after 5pm!  So I have now actually paid for a full parking permit, without even actually receiving one!  Impressive I know!  
"Shoulda bought that permit...huh?" "ha ha"-the on duty police officer as I'm paying my tickets