Hello World~! It has been way too long, and by way too long, I mean...really not that long, but oh how I've missed you. So life is good! Ash got out of the hospital today. 2nd round of chemo....check! All finished for now. As for me, I'm doing great! Today was exceptionally fun for me, and I'm not really sure why! So my debit card has been M.I.A for 4 days now, and I was beginning to get worried. I'm mildly irresponsible, so I figured it was somewhere...but I had yet to find it! I searched my car yesterday, and I mean searched. I sat in each seat as though I regularly ride in the back seat.....and still no luck. I moved carpets...slid seats forward...backward...No Luck. So, in efforts to pretend like I was extremely interested in class this morning...I pulled out a notebook, and out fell my debit card! I cheered for myself in my head! Very exciting start to my day! Writing checks is so 2008, and a pain to say the least! So now the world can rest easy, I am back to my swiping ways! Being that my poor little debit card has been out of commission for 4 days, I think it felt a little neglected. So I bought 4 bras @ Victoria Secret! Here is the best part....wait for it.....only $30!!! Even I am proud of myself, and I am a bargain shopper on average! I even decided to buy a super cute sports bra which I think will only make working out happen more regularly! At least that is the idea.:) I think I am finally coming to terms with having a membership at the local Y for a year and a half now....I'm actually going to take that next big step(which in reality should have been the 1st big step...but I'm not much on rules)...THE MEMBERSHIP CARD. See, I've have been way too embarrassed to walk in and get it @ this point. I mean really, who signs up @ a gym...and then never goes back? Well, countless excuses have been running through my mind, but I am turning over a new leaf. I hear it's fun once you get in the swing of things, and I do love me a treadmill! So I am planning on going this week! So two amazing things happened today. 1. It is 'New Music Tuesday' on i-tunes, and that makes me really happy. Really Really Happy. And 2.I am starting the transformation of my room....finally! I hate my room right now. Hate it! Right now, it is 3, yes 3, different colors. I am probably, no, for sure the world's worst painter, and I think cutting in is a bother. So needless to say, my room looks like a 'test wall' for the Painter's of America (if that were a club or something). I finally have my mind set on what I want to do, and I am only hoping that it will turn out nicely. At this point I am just aiming for wanting to be in my room for more than five minutes, that would be an improvement! So church continues to be amazing! I'm pretty sure, I have been writing down the songs we sing...and then googling them when I get home! I love it! Awesome Awesome Awesome! And my little sister has been going with me, which is just cute! I love that she loves it as much as I do!
Much Love,
xoxo a
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Because These Are All Things You Need To Know...:)
Posted by To Have & Hold at 5:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
This Is My Life...
So let's talk about what a busy week this has been for me. I am so so glad that it is finally coming to an end. Update: Baton girl brought...count em...1, 2, 3! batons to class on Tuesday. Thankfully, or Unfortunately(I can't quite decide)we had a test, and so therefore she could not put on a show for us. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure she would have given the show of a lifetime. I mean maybe after Spring Break she will bring all three back, and perform. I hope so.
-On to my next topic...Spring Break. I have this weekend and the next week off, so what am I going to do? I don't know. I am def. going to sleep in a little, spend lots of time with Ash, and I think I am also going to start that novel I've been talking about. I mean technically I've already written chapter one, but I am trying to figure out now what direction I want to go in. So I will keep you posted on that one.
-So question of the day. How do you make your hair grow faster? I really want my hair to grow fast...and I've heard that pre-natal pills will do the trick. However, part of me feels uncomfortable buying pre-natal pills, because 1. I am not pregnant. and 2. I could just get over that and buy some, but I also don't want the guy @ CVS to think I'm pregnant. I mean I'm pretty sure I would be okay if my hair just decided to grow on it's own! I even bought Loreal's "Long Term Relationship" accidentally the other day. So if nothing else...I am trying to persuade my hair to grow with every shower....
-Does Elisabeth Hasselbeck annoy anyone else to no end? I really used think I really liked her outspoken nature and what not...but now she just annoys me to no end. I don't care about EVERYTHING that is going on in your life, and I'm pretty sure I died laughing when Patrick called her Meredith when greeting her on Monday. And yet she still says thank you, and proceeds to gush all over him. He wouldn't even give her the time of day.
-I now have a theme song. My friend Clayton wrote me the most amazing song ever, and he finally posted it on Facebook! I love it so so much! He is awesome! As soon as he sends it to me, I will post it for sure!
-Last night I went to Christina's Apartment where we drank wine and didn't play Scategories, but it was still fun. We laughed as Jordan and Christina tried to re-create Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video. It was pretty entertaining to say the least. I didn't partake, for the mere fact that I didn't have enough wine at that point. But it was very entertaining.
-Well, I am at the hospital for the rest of the night...so feel free to text me! Church tomorrow...and I am looking forward to that!
Much Love. xoxo a
Posted by To Have & Hold at 10:49 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
BlogTwitFaceSpace...Are We Friends?
Is there such a thing as being a part of too many social networks? I'm pretty sure I'm up to 4 now.facebook.myspace.twitter.blogger. I know, 4 is not such an extreme number, but seriously! I spend entirely way too much time on the Internet, and managing 4 accounts all while trying to maintain some type of normalcy in my life is funny. You know what else is funny? The fact that people even read my blog for starters. I love writing, and don't misinterpret when I say I think I am the funniest person ever, but I do. What I find most entertaining is that most of what people tell me they think is funny, is just me being totally honest, or recounting something in my life that probably happens on a daily basis.
-So today Bobby Bones,Carlos and Lunchbox from 96.7 came to the hospital and visited Ash. I'm pretty sure they are some of the nicest guys I have ever met. They just sat and visited for like an hour. It was pretty awesome, we laughed a lot, which I know was good for Ash.
-Now can we talk about something for a sec? So Spring Break is in a week, and I have nothing to do. Ash will be home by then, which is awesome! Obviously I will be hanging out with her, but I also feel that this would be a good time for me to start working out! That's right, I said it. And I've been saying it for weeks now. Here is the funny thing. I own a scale, yet I don't believe in using it most of the time bc well I don't like to haunt myself with the number it returns. Anyhow, today I did something crazy. I weighed myself. I mean let's be honest, if I am going to start working out, and losing weight, than I really should figure out what I'm starting at right?!:) Much to my surprise, I am apparently not as fat as I feel. A solid 98! Lol, okay, maybe in 4th grade, but I was actually at my usual. This is funny bc, since Ash has been in the hospital, all I feel like I'm doing is eating. I guess not. All those stairs and hills on campus are apparently helping!:)
-Tomorrow I have to work again, and this I am not super excited about. I have about two weeks of stuff to be catching up on(as I sit here and blog...) and I really would rather be doing that.
-Tomorrow I get to go to church and that excites me. Nothing like praising Jesus a little bit!
-I need a dog. A cute one that will jog with me, bark at creepers trying to break in, and kiss and love everyone else. I also need pepper spray, bc as awesome as my frying pan is...it's true, it probably won't ward of any burglars.
-The new Super Target in San Marcos is amazing! Never have I enjoyed shopping for groceries all by myself so much! I also even ventured into the cereal isle, and decided that I don't have enough appreciation for all of the selections. This week I went with Rice Crispies and a Granola based selection. Now if I can only manage to actually eat some before the milk goes bad!
-I have been noticing my weird taste in names lately. Nothing crazy like Apple or Coco, but different. I mean not that this matters, I have nothing to name...but I am mentally preparing a small list of ones I like.
-This has turned into a very random post, which really, for me is not all that random. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I really did!
Much Love.
Posted by To Have & Hold at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Just Another Day In The Life....
So at what age do you stop bringing toys to school? I only ask because yesterday as I sat in class, something caught my eye in the row in front of me. This girl in my class was twirling this: A glittery baton! Now, let's get one thing straight here. I love toys too, and I have been known to obsess about a certain Disney character from time to time(I love you Hannah), but really?! A college class...right in the middle of lecture? Not only did she proceed to twirl this baton as if it was half time at the high school football game and this was the performance of her life, but she continued to twirl, and twirl and twirl! My cute professor didn't say a word. He really is probably the nicest man I have ever met, and I think he really just couldn't muster up the courage to tell her this was not playtime, and we were not actually at a high school football game. So she's twirling, and like most baton twirlers, she got a little cocky with her skills! She twirled her baton right out of her hand and into the heads of the not one, but two girls sitting in the row in front of her! "Oops! Sorry." They kindly handed it back to her, and what do you think she did? Yes, she began twirling it again!!! So by now, I am completely just staring at this girl, and well it really all began to make sense. She was wearing a sweatshirt with a cartoon character of some sort on the back, a pink hair tie with pink plastic flowers all around it, and she was really enjoying a bottle of chocolate milk. At this point I am convinced that she is a really smart nine year old getting a head start on those college credits!
So life is good right now, the semester is oddly enough kind of wrapping up! Crazy huh? I really can't wait for life to be normal again. I think the summer will give me some much needed downtime, and I pray that Ash is all better and on her way to recovery by then. Right now the biggest blessing would be that I am a bone marrow match for her. It really will cut her treatment time almost in half! I mean I feel like we are identical twins, so really we should have identical bone marrow right?! God, if this is not the case, you can go ahead and start doing your thing to make that happen. Mkay, thanks. I'm just thinking, we shared a womb, and that was fine...so now I'd just like to give her a few of my stem cells! The least I could do! I did push her out of the way so I could be "Baby A" and because of this, I got the cooler of the middle names...so it would only be fair. She has been such a trooper and so so amazing! Stronger than anyone I have ever met, and really just taking everything in stride.
So let's talk Bachelor for a quick second here. Molly, could you have been slightly more respectful and have waited to make out with Jason until after the show?!? I mean really! We get that you are excited that Jason still loves, you, but geez~! Okay, and that's all I will say.:)
Thanks Loves,
Posted by To Have & Hold at 11:28 AM 1 comments