Saturday, May 16, 2009

Eight By Eight...I Know...You've Been Waiting Right?!:)


8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

1. My sister being cured of this Leukemia
2. Summer Summer Summer
3. Laying out by the pool
4. Britni's Wedding
5. All my friends coming home
6. A vacation I have yet to plan
7. Going back to Phi Lamb
8. Dancing The Night Away

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Showered
2. Worked
3. Bathed a vicious German shepherd at work...but seriously, I'm like the dog whisperer...she didn't even try and eat me. She tried to eat our groomer.
4. I took a nap. Can we talk about the last time I took a nap...oh so nice.
5. On that note, I woke up every hour on the hour...1am, get the idea.
6. I joined Pandora. I was really trying to resist, but I'm a lover of music, what can I say?
7. Relay for Life w/ my sis
8. Got to see Clayton! I love that kid!

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Move in to the hustle and bustle of a beautiful city.
2. Write A Book.
3. Go On A Blind Date.
4. Travel.
5. Pursue All The Things I Wish I Could Be Doing Right Now. Most Of Them Not Practical.
6. Rent A Small Beach House In Somewhere.
7. Go Inside All The Pretty Houses I See And Wish I Could Live In. I Really Think There Should Be 1 Day A Year When This Can Happen.
8. Say What's On My Mind Exactly When I'm Thinking It.

8 Favorite Fruits:

1. Mango
2. Strawberries
3. Cantaloupe
4. Raspberry
5. Apple
6. Peach
7. Lime
8. Orange

8 Places I Wish I Could Travel:

1. Greece
2. Italy
3. Ireland
4. Africa
5. New York..Again
6. Georgia
7. Seattle...Again and Again.I.Love.Seattle.
8. Maine
(I realize the last five aren't very exciting, but for some reason or another, I feel like those might be my cities. I can pretty much fall in love with anything, and I know I will love them!)

8 Things You Don't Know About Me:

1. I Don't Mind Being By Myself, In fact, Sometimes It's Preferred:)
2. Writing Is My Outlet, I Do It Everyday.
3. I Can't Sleep Until I've Thanked God For My Family.
4. I'm Really Messy, But I Fake Clean When Friends Come Over.
5. I'm Incredibly Self-Conscious, And Yet, I Wish I Didn't Care.
6. Famous Songwriter To The Stars Might Be My Dream Job.
7. Recently, I've Decided There Is Something Incredibly Romantic About Never Getting Married. I Mean I'm Not Saying Its For Me...But Just A Thought.
8. I'm Kind Of In Love With The Idea That On A Day To Day Basis I Get To Live My Life. For The Most Part, Its Pretty Awesome.