Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If Life Is What You Make It....Im Making It Sweet!

Can I just say how aMaZiNg this week has been!  I am so so happy, and I love it!  I don't even have a reason to be happy right now!  I have absolutely no money, and I have been crazy busy...yet I have had this calm all week long.  I feel like this is going to be an amazing semester!  School really got me down this summer, and I really had a hard time being happy about anything.  Nothing in my life seemed as I wanted it, and I constantly found myself criticizing all that I did.  I am a constant worrier when it comes to how I am viewed in the eyes of others!  I told myself that I need to just let go of all of that, and show people who it is that I truly am...despite what they may think!  I have really let myself open up to sharing my beliefs and feelings with others, and it is so so empowering!  Spiritually, I have taken leaps and bounds in just the past week.  God is really showing me a lot right now...about what he wants me to do for myself, and for others!  For me it is so small, but I know he will replenish me in so many other ways!  It's funny, I have no money and I am not worried at all!  How can I be, when I just used what I had to make someone else feel loved, even if it was just for today.  I love my life!  Thank you Jesus!

Trust the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6