Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Out of Africa...

So I was sitting in my social work class today, and my professor started talking about study abroad programs! I really have never given any of them too much thought, because I have been in school for five years now! My parents aren't really too into anything that might prolong that graduation date, since it is still about a year and a half out. Here's the thing though...this particular trip is over Christmas break, and wait for it....
they are going to SOUTH AFRICA!!! This trip has my name written all over it! I want to go soo soo soooooooooo bad! I have been interested in Africa in general for a long time, but like I ever thought me going there would be a real possibility. I would obviously have to pay for the whole trip myself, so I probably wont be able to go until next year's trip....but OMG, how amazing would that be! I'm not a social work major, but bc this trip is through the social work program, we would get to do a lot of work with children! The trip is $6000 which to me really didn't sound bad at all! I mean it's South Africa for goodness sake, and say that an opportunity like this one ever presented itself later in life , it would definitely be a lot more! I called both of my parents and right now they are not receptive to the idea at all! I totally expected that though, so I'm not totally down on my luck yet. I guess their main concern is that I am going to get kidnapped, but I know this is bc they aren't educated enough on the whole idea yet.  Yes, Africa can be very dangerous...but Northern Africa! I would be going to Cape Town. Seriously, Africa is HUGE! I'm pretty sure Texas State wouldn't be sending us into Africa if where we were going was extremely dangerous! I am just hoping that I can show them that I really need to go! I figure if I can save up this next year and show how serious I am, then maybe they will get it.  AFRICA!  I mean is there really anything to think about?!?!  I feel like the obvious answer is NO! Pray for me!


AmberDenae said...

WOW!!! I say GO!! If it is a heart desire and dream you have, then pursue it! That is a great opportunity and you're right, it may be the only decent one you get! So, go to Africa and you just never know what may happen! If you truly desire to go and if you truly feel that this is something that is of God then I say go and go with your whole heart! I am the same way. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to travel the world. So far I've only been to Italy and Mexico (2 times) and I would love to go everywhere to be honest. Everytime I go to these countries I leave a little piece of my heart there. God did so much in me both times I went to Mexico, it was life changing. Africa is definitely up at the top of my list of places to go! I'll pray for you!! =)