Monday, October 27, 2008

Love Is Not A Fight, But It's Worth Fighting For...

So in light of my extremely happy disposition, I was overwhelmed with sadness today as I watched the news!  Ann Presely a news anchor in Alabama died over the weekend, from injuries she acquired when someone broke into her home and beat her...almost to death.  She was unable to recover.  I don't even know this woman, but it just makes me sick!  I read about this story online on Friday, and it was made out as though she was expected to make a full recovery!  It really is just so so sad, so pray for her family!  She was only 26, and lived by herself.  There are no leads in her case at all.  I know stuff like this happens all the time, every day in fact, but this story just keeps sticking with me!  I cant even imagine what her family is going through.
-So I cant figure it out!  I have had this odd peace about everything for about two weeks now!  I am so so so happy, and I really don't know why!  I feel like God is either preparing me for an extreme amount of stress, or it really is just time for me to be happy and worry free!  I have never really thought of myself as a pessimist, but I've been really making a conscious effort to truly find the positive in everything!  And, I think it's really making a difference!  I'm just happy!  ALL THE TIME!  I've also been really wanting to read my bible!  Crazy for me!  I mean I always want to read it, but I never make the time for it!  Lately, I feel excited when the time presents itself!  It's pretty awesome!  I have been waiting a long time to experience the true passion for the word that so many of my friends have, and I feel like it's coming to me... not on my own terms, which really is so much more sweet!  I've been saying it a lot, but Life really is so so good right now, and I want everyone to know it!
-This weekend was not overly productive in that, I basically spent the whole weekend at IKEA~  I mean I can't complain, I really do love that store!  It's probably my third favorite place in the world!  Right behind, Pike's Place Market in Seattle, and Hobby Lobby respectively!:)  That store is so so cool!  Whoever decided setting up fake rooms in a store....Genius!  I mean really!  Love it!  
-My not so little sister turned 15 this weekend!  So crazy!  She is all grown up!  She is the most beautiful girl ever!  She has the best head on her shoulders!  At fifteen, I was still so terrible to my mother, and yelling that I was going to run away if I couldn't go to the mall!(I was pretty ridiculous, and dramatic!  It was those years that I picked up my nickname 'the evil twin', something I am still trying to prove wrong!)  She had a really good weekend I think, and I love that I could be a part of it!:)
-I need to be super productive this week in terms of school, because next week is lining up to be quite busy!  So far I have a project due on Monday, and then two tests after that!  Crazy Crazy!
-So I am always looking for good songs to add to the soundtrack that is my life, and well today I found yet another! I feel as though it is pretty easy for me to find songs that I can relate to my life, because well, let's be honest, I experience all of my emotions on a daily basis! However, this one really stuck out for me today, and I wanted to share!
This one is called "By Your Side", by Tenth Avenue North
It pretty much sums where I feel like God is leading me right now. I think learning things about our lives as it is happening is pretty amazing in itself, but when you can find a song that sums it up...that much more amazing! I'm pretty sure this has been on repeat in my car all day, and probably will continue to be until at least the end of the week...or until I find one to sum up tomorrow's blog!:)
xo a


AmberDenae said...

I have been following the story about Ann Presly as well. So unbelievably sad :( I really hope that they catch the disgusting creep that did this to her. I was praying that she would pull through, how devastating.

I love reading about how happy you are and how life is going so well for you! You seem to really look at life from a very balanced point of view, underlining the good in everything. That is so admirable. I'm trying to be more like that as well. God definitely helps. When my relationship with the Lord is doing well, it's all smooth sailing. You gotta keep "the main thing" the "main thing", ya know? Your blogs are encouraging to read and I love that you are hungry to read the Bible. I need to get in the word a lot more than I do as well! It just makes life better!

You know, I have never been to IKEA!! For shame. My mom loves it but we don't have one here and I don't even know where the closest one is located. It seems like an awesome store though and I bet I would love it! I've seen their catalogs!

You and your sisters look beautiful :)

Great song by Tenth Avenue North! I like them. Have you ever heard their song called "Beloved"? It is SO good. I heard it when I was in the middle of reading "Redeeming Love" (GREAT book by the way) and it was so right on and fit the moment!

Okay, I think I touched on everything...haha

Hope you're having a great week Amber!!!
