Monday, November 3, 2008

Love My Life..

Hey Loves! So it has been another great weekend here in Texas. It was Halloween, so that was great! Hannah was a hit! And, it has to be said...I really loved being Hannah! Maybe a little too much. At the time, putting on my Hannah wig two hours before my party didn't seem like a crazy idea, but looking back on the situation, I feel as though I may be a little embarrassed by the display of my costume quite so early. Oh well, what are you going to do! I have included a few pictures from this weekend, so you too can share in some Hannah fun! For the social events on Saturday, I played broom ball with my sorority. I was on the 'Made In the 80's Team'. Now not only was I actually made in the 80's, but I have an extreme love for sequins, so really this team was just really appropriate for me! I had a ton of fun! I went to play broom ball with every intent of kind of standing around, and not getting to physical with the game....that is not how it really worked out! Something crazy came over me, and I started running to get the ball! So much so, that I fell...HARD! It was not pretty, and really embarrassing, but everyone else fell..a lot, so I think my falling is therefore justified.
-So I have recently bought yet another journal. I seriously have about five going right now, bc I love them so much! I buy one, and then I go to the store and find another one that I think is prettier! Anyway, back to the relevance in this post...I have really been trying to get back into my writing more! I do a lot of self-reflection writing(ie this journal..), but I used write poems, songs...all kinds of stuff. Secretly, I desperately want to learn how to play my guitar, and writing songs would be a lot more interesting, and well meaningful if there were music to go along! Right?!?! Just a thought....
-I have two tests this week, and a project to get out of the way, and then I am going to be school free for yet another weekend~ My aunt is flying in from California, and I'm pretty excited about it! You know how you have that one relative who is just super fun, and you feel like they really should be closer to you in age bc they are so cool...that's my aunt! She is really funny, and well who doesn't love to laugh?!:)
-Today I bought the most beautiful Bible ever! I love it! I lost my other terrible is that?!?! Pretty terrible! I know! I feel really bad about it, but really I cant say what happened...bc I just don't know! I'm going to blame it on the fact that I had to have a two door car...intern making ppl not want to ride in it's cramped back seat. Because of this fact, my car is really just an excuse for a second bedroom....closet...trash can?! It's really bad! I'm pretty sure should the occasion ever arise, I can clothe a small any season! I'm just saying!
Also in this great weekend, I FINALLY got to see HSM 3! For my sake, and my maturity level, I really wanted to think it was just okay. I mean I am 22, it's probably about time to start growing up...but I cant lie. BEST MOVIE EVER! TRUE STORY! I knew I was in trouble when the lights in the theatre turned down, and at the sound of the opening number I was instantly excited! And when did Zac Efron get so hot?!?! Musical theater..not usually my type...but WOW! Love it! So if you can put aside your ego, I highly recommend it!
-Election Day was today, and as most of you know now...Obama is our president! It's so crazy, and I think it was expected, but it is still crazy now that it is a reality. Not how I voted, but I'm holding faith in God, and that everything happens for a reason. I'm not saying that I agree with all of his beliefs, but perhaps a new perspective on our terrible situation can help. We as a country are in such a poor place right now, and the odds that it will be turned around in one term...not likely at all. God willing, he will shed light on how we turn this all around, and in four years we can get a great republican in there to make it all right! I'm all about perspective, and sometimes one we aren't really willing to see, can shed new and positive light. Bottom line, he is our president, and that is that.
-So that's about it for now. It's been yet another beautiful day, and I am continually thankful for all that I have! Love you all!
xo a