Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To Live What Your Feeling, To Hate What You Feel...

So it had to happen at some point, but my happy high is slowly coming to an end I feel. This week has had me down a bit, and I am not welcoming it at all! I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with life. I can't help but wonder where I would be right now if I were not in school. I know God does not encourage envy, but right now more than ever, do I want to be at a different place in my life. I am so passionate about things, I am just not at a place to pursue! I hate that I feel like school is holding me back, because if I am truly honest with myself(which I rarely am), I know that even when I graduate...whenver that is....I am still not going to be doing what I love. I don't even know that I completely have a grasp on what "that" is, but I know I am not there, and I def. don't know if I am heading in that direction. I hate all of the standards that have been set up for me, and all the expectations that are dictating my life. I would be the happiest person in the world right now, if I only knew that what I am doing now, is in fact right for me. I am needing some new perspective on life, and I'm not sure where to turn to get it. I need you to show me that this is where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing. I know that we have to go through certain trials in order to understand and see the bigger pictures, but right now I am not in a place to interpret signs that I am heading in the right direction. I need you to show me that I have it right....
-Okay so I was clearly feeling a little sorry for myself the other day. I have been down but it's a new day, and a new start! I really hate when I let myself get down about such minimal things, because I really do have so much to be thankful for! I have been listening to this song like over and over againg, and I think it's amazing! Also, shout out to Amber, you might be my only reader, and I am totally okay with that! Your comments always make me feel amazing, and I love love hearing what you have to say! You are awesome!
Ingram Hill- Troubled Mercy

Mercy fights a little war again
Always the one that tried so hard, but she couldnt win
That's all over, its all over now

You never thought that you could feel this
Forever lonely was a better way
Youll make this world to fall apart
But you're more than you thought you could be
I wont leave you troubled Mercy

Mercy tried to make things right again
But the dark is where she hides to cradle the sin
Hard to know what is real when you beg and you steal
But you dont want to be this way
That's all over, it's all over now

You never thought that you could feel this
Forever lonely was a better way
Youll make this world to fall apart
But you're more than you thought you could be
I wont leave you troubled Mercy

Your innocence is gone
You don't know where you lost it
Well somehow it all went wrong
But it wont last long

You never thought that you could feel this
Forever lonely was a better way
Youll make this world to fall apart
But you're more than you thought you could be
I wont leave you Mercy
I wont leave you Troubled Mercy


AmberDenae said...

I totally know how you feel. I've so been there. It's a very difficult feeling to want something so bad, yet be heading in an absolutely opposite direction. I am kind of in the same boat actually. I LOVE my job but I am not passionate about it though it is an amazing blessing in my life of which I am so thankful. YOU have SO much to offer as I can see that through your writings. I hope you get your happy high back in it's entirety although its VERY normal to be feeling as you do. Its hard when there are so many expectations hovering over your head and you feel as though you have to do something in order to please someone, not knowing whether or not its right, and not feeling fulfilled in doing so. I'll pray for you, that God would reveal your deepest hearts desires and make way for you to fulfill YOUR dreams and purposes. You will make a significant impact no matter what you do, I'm certain! You're an amazing girl with a beautiful passion and zeal for life and God will direct you.

Thanks for the shout out- made me feel totally special! =) I'm sure you have other readers (LURKERS)...haha. You just never know who will stumble upon your blog and be inspired, so keep writing!!! You're awesome at it and I love reading it! :) Too bad we can't go out for coffee or soemthing and talk. I have a feeling that we would have good heart to heart conversations. :)


Jenna Coe said...

You should know, I love you and your ability to make me laugh. The test hello and the unicorn tattoo have made me laugh multiple times throughout today. Also, me and Amber read your blog, so at least you have two readers! Love you!