Saturday, January 10, 2009

SoMeTiMeS eVeN i NeEd To PiNcH mYsElF...

So let me just start by saying that I typically lead a life of randomness, however this past week has been extremely random and fun to say the least! I love love love my friends, and they are pretty much the reason I love my life so much! I'm sure everyone probably feels the same way I do, but I really don't have the same kind of fun with anyone else. I also got a glimpse into the future this week. As you know, I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding in June. One of the other bridesmaids is going to be 7months pregnant at the time of the needless to say,finding a dress that will accommodate everyone has been difficult. So we are at the Bridesmaid store, and we think this dress is cute...well and this is pretty much how the rest of the conversation went:
Bride: "So do y'all like this dress?
Maid of Honor and me: Yeah, it's totally cute! But really how is this going to work for someone that is pregnant?!
Bride: Let's ask the shop people how they can alter it...that might help.
Shop Lady(to me): Yeah, that dress can totally be altered, but do you want to try on the pregnant suit?
Me: Um, yes please!!!
Mind you, I am not the one that is going to be 7 months pregnant at the wedding...let's just make that a clear statement! haha
Sidenote: why it is totally a legit prop to have in a bridal store, we all still thought it was very funny! So I quickly went from simple bridesmaid, to that of an expectant mother! So funny! And while I've never been 7 months pregnant, I'm pretty sure this was an accurate account of what I can physically expect. Of course I had to play the part, so I even took a few photos with with my best "motherly" pose, cupping my unborn pillow child of course! We topped off the afternoon with Trudy's for drinks and stuffed avocado! Great Day! And, it wouldn't be fitting if we didn't end the night seeing Bride Wars, which we somehow dragged our guy friends too. Good movie, and I do recall them laughing quite loudly, so I know they enjoyed it, though they may not admit it as openly as I. We went back to Brit's afterwards and played Dork Ball for a few hours. For those of you not familiar, it is a ridiculous game we played in high school where you basically take turns running around the pool table all while keeping the cue ball, and one other ball moving in unison with the order that you are supposed to hit it. I know that really makes no sense, and really until you embark on the wonder that is this really can't understand. And last but not least, my friend Clayton wrote the most amazing song I have ever heard! It was absolutely amazing, and so so funny! I wish I could share, and soon hopefully I will. I have already put in my request for an "Ode to Amber" as I think it should be properly named. I came home to find that my friend Mollie had left me a message that read as follows:
"so I just realized that the majority of people we know are either engaged/married/or have children or preggers. survey says we're a little behind schedule. :/" to which I thought long and hard in my reply:
"established. which is why I have decided that though we may be sad, lonely, single, and running out of time to pro-create....we can relish in the fact that we still have some things going for us.....our sense of humor, each other of course, and ice cream! Although we may be doomed in the love department, (and yes doomed is possibly a strong word choice...but equally appropriate as well...)we will always have roomate options....and means, and extra rooms for lots and lots of cats....Because if you are plagued by an eternity of singleness (RECAP: like we seem to be setting ourselves up for ), then it is only appropriate to fill the void with something as furry and cute as these. We can start the collection out small (so the humane society doesn't catch on of course)....then we just let them explode! We'll start the hording around year 2. And that my friend, is why we are just fine. No worries. Your welcome.

the only planner you need,

So that was my weekend in a nutshell. Lots of fun!n I've got it all figured out...and there is still fun to be had! One more week still school starts...again! Oh the life of a college student!:)


Robert said...

Interesting post.

Looking forward to you visiting my blog and becoming a follower as I will follow this blog too.