Saturday, January 31, 2009

It Is A Week For Lists...

Because I love lists, and I have been so completely blogging like is 100 things I hope to accomplish in the coming year! Enjoy!
1. Craft, Craft, and Craft some more.
2. Put on a swimsuit without being all judgemental.
3. Read the bible from beginning to end.
4. Actually read half of the books I own.
5. Carve my body into a state of fabulous.
6. Buy some really cute rain boots and wear them to school.
7. Spend one whole day in bed, with a radio, and nail polish!
8. Run a marathon.
9. Spend more time with my sisters and brother.
10. Take a weekend off and go to a bed and breakfast with my favorites!
11. Thank God each day for something beautiful! I am unbelievably blessed.
12. Take cooking classes.
13. Take a structured dance class.
14. Prepare a fabulous meal for someone I love.
15. Learn how to play my guitar.
16. Finish buying the box set of Friends
17. Pay off my Credit Cards.
18. Continue my obsession with Fused Glass, and start doing something with it!
19. Go back to Lost Maples, and show my friends my mad backpacking skills.
20. Aimlessly wander the streets of Seattle with a cup of Starbucks...from the original Starbucks @ Pike's Place Market.
21. Write my testimony.
22. Share it with someone.
23. Work on this whole single thing...
24. On that note, I need to learn to be okay with being happy.
25. Get a puppy I can go jogging with!
26. Spend more time just sitting with my grandmother.
27. Go skydiving!!
28. Drive to a random town...for the day.
29. Learn how to decorate cakes!
30. Start, Write, and finally FINISH a journal! I have like five going at this point.
31. Catch Lindsey Kane singing somewhere! It's been too long, and her songs are all amazing and inspiring.
32. Buy an old film camera, and delve deeper into my love of photography.
33. Tell someone how I am feeling about them with no thought as to what will happen when I am done.
34. Quit holding back! Life is too short!
35. Have a sleepover with all my friends, where pj's are the dress code, and silly board games are the agenda.
36. Start an address book, so I can quit texting my friends every time I need there addresses!
37. Buy a baseball hat for rainy bad hair days.
38. Play more sports!
39. Start a savings account, and actually put money in it.
40. Organize my completely!
41. Donate more money to charity.
42. Find more cute babies to babysit!
43. Spend a day on the lake.
44. Get my friends to realize I would have way more fun if they started blogs too.
45. Force myself to make awkward eye contact not so awkward.
46. Dance more!
47. Get a tan for once this summer!
48. Buy more high heels! You really can't have enough of these! And I def. don't!
49. Make my parent's go out on a date!
50. Horse Back Riding on the beach!
51. Heck, even just laying on a beach would be nice!
52. See an Opera or musical!
53. Clean my house amazingly well, and keep up with it for more than two days!
54. Realize that going to the doctor on a regular basis is a good idea! It's just so darn inconvenient! Ugh...this one annoys me already!
55. Be happy and healthy, caring and content
56. Put more trust in God.
57. Find a long term volunteer project.
58. Explore writing as a career option...after I graduate of course. Maybe free lance....hmmm
59. Stand up for myself more.
60. Get a massage.
61. Learn to love Pilate's and yoga:)
62. Sit in the front row @ church and worship with the "hand raisers" during the first set of songs.
63. Watch more movies...I buy them...and straight on the shelf they go!
64. Be more productive with my time...this procrastination thing is getting slightly ridiculous.
65. Re-Decorate my room...and not in one week. I always get in a hurry. This is why my room is three different colors right now, nothing matches, oh yeah, and I hate it.
66. Start being honest with myself about all the things I know I need to be honest about.
67. Try sushi
68. Go to a karaoke bar and sing it up a little.
69. Take more videos on trips! These are always so funny!
70. Download more classics, as they just make me happy. And seriously, tell me you can't find a song to relate to everything you are going through?!?! It's just not possible.
71. Delight in the little things.
72. Learn how to take a compliment.
73. Fall deeply in love, helplessly and unconditionally.
74. Write the novel I know I have inside of me.
75. Go White Water Rafting!
76. And Skydiving too!
77. Find someone to do these things with me!:)
78. Ski something other than the greens!:)
79. Learn how not to say yes, when I really mean no.
80. Go camping...
81. Build a life size snow man.
82. Get my wisdom teeth out! I mean really I don't want to do this at all, but I am sick of being lectured when I go to the dentist.
83. Write down all of my business ideas! Haha There are a lot...the 1st: A Cute Little Bistro called...Just Dessert!
84. Continue to be an instrument of God's Love.
85. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen.
86. Go to the salon and do exactly what I want to my hair without questioning it a million times, and then just saying.."Do what you did last time."
87. Dance Party!
88. Decorate my Backyard super cute, and have a BBQ!
89. Buy a BBQ pit.
90. Go Rock Climbing
91. Audition for The Bachelor...haha this is purely so I can say I did, not necessarily how I would like to meet my husband...but what a fun time! I love that show! And I would be fulfilling my Monday Night Crew's dreams!:)
92. Join a communities group at Austin Stone
94. Find peace in things I don't understand.
95. Learn how to do car things...change my oil...and a myself...I did this once, but Ash helped me...and we might have cracked her car bc we put the jack in the wrong spot....
96. Sister's Trip To Georgia!
97. Amtrak Train it somewhere....
98. Make A's in all of my classes
99. Continue to blog...
100. Eat at a restaurant by actually I take this one back. I don't need that kind of self-confidence. I would be so miserable. So eat with a ton of friends instead!


Lauren said...

LOVE boys with girlfriends... it's my new life song... and of course you would have it on your blog... cause we are the same person

AmberDenae said...

I loved reading this! We have a lot in common, as if we haven't figured that one out already. Haha.

Praying for you and your entire family and I don't say that and not mean it. I couldn't get you off my mind last night after we chatted on fb. I was so broken by all that you conveyed to me. I have no advice other than to "Lean on Jesus" and surround yourself with those who will love and encourage you which I'm sure you have many! Call me if you ever need to talk. I know I may just be a "blog buddy" but I genuinely care about what you're going through and will pray for you, liten to you and talk to you whenever you need it!

You're such a sweet person and I know it's no coincidence that our paths crossed in the blogosphere.

Much love!